Reserva biológica Huilo Huilo

( Huilo-Huilo Biological Reserve )

Huilo-Huilo Biological Reserve (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈwilo ˈwilo] , Pronounced: WEEL-oh-WEEL-oh) is a private for profit natural reserve and ecotourism area in southern Chile. It is by the community of Neltume along the international road to Hua Hum Pass near the border to Argentina. The reserve has unique hotels, including Montana Mágica, the Nothofagus hotel, cabins, and a lodge for backpackers. The grounds also include a brewery, various animal habitats, a funicular, and many miles of trails. The reserve includes many waterfalls and the eastern slopes of Mocho-Choshuenco, a glacial compound stratovolcano.

In the 1960 and 1970s, prior to the creation of the reserve, the area had a strong lumberjack-campesino labour movement.[1] It was for this reason that Revolutionary Left Movement chose it to create a focus of resistance inspired by the Fidel Castro's 26th of July Movement in the Sierra Maestra in order to combat Pinochet's dictatorship.[2] The Chilean army succeeded in isolating the group by August 1981 and in October of the same year its last members were captured.[2]

 Magic Mountain Hotel

The reserve was created in 1999 and includes 600 km2 (232 sq mi) of native forest in Chile dedicated to wildlife conservation and tourism. The reserve is owned by the businessman Víctor Petermann who bought it in the 1990s during land sale program of the late Pinochet dictatorship. It had been part of the state-owned forestry operations of Complejo Forestal y Maderero Panguipulli.[1]

^ a b Barrena Ruiz, José; Hernando Arrese, Maite; Rojas Marchini, Fernanda (2016). "Antecedentes históricos sobre el Complejo Forestal y Maderero Panguipulli, provincia de Valdivia, Centro-sur de Chile" [Historical background of the Panguipulli Forestry and Timber Complex, Valdivia province, South-central Chile]. Bosque (in Spanish). 37 (3). Retrieved January 23, 2018. ^ a b (in Spanish) Los que retornaron para luchar
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