Cattedrale di Salerno

( Salerno Cathedral )

Salerno Cathedral (or duomo) is the main church in the city of Salerno in southern Italy and a major tourist attraction. It is dedicated to Saint Matthew, whose relics are inside the crypt.

The Cathedral was built when the city was the capital of the Principality of Salerno.

The foundation, initiated in 1076 under Robert Guiscard, in the episcopate of Alfano I, occurred simultaneously with that of the Basilica of St. Peter Alli Marmi. The Duomo was consecrated by Pope Gregory VII in 1084.

In 1688, the architect Ferdinando Sanfelice remodelled the interior of the Duomo in the Neapolitan Baroque and Rococo styles. A restoration in the 1930s brought it back to an appearance similar to the original one.

The Duomo is a symbol of the Italian Renaissance because inside is the tomb of Pope Gregory VII who rejected imperial domination of the church.

The Duomo was damaged in World War II when, as part of the Operation Avalanche, the Allies landed in Salerno in September 1943.

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