Ramot Polin (Hebrew: רמות פולין, lit. Poland Heights) is a neighborhood in the Israeli settlement of Ramot in northwest East Jerusalem consisting of a single housing complex. It was constructed by the Kollel Polen (Poland) in stages beginning in 1972, under the auspices of the Office for Building and Habitation, and is populated, as intended, mostly by Haredi Jewish families, including Breslov. The neighborhood contains 720 housing units of varying sizes.

Ramot Polin was built in 1972-75.[1] It was designed by Zvi Hecker. It is an unusual prefabricated apartment complex with 720 non-rectangular components.[2] The apartments were expanded later,[3] incorporating more cubic rather than pentagonal components. The design idea of the neighborhood may seem to be purely geometrical, but it has been likened to a chemical structure.[4]

The Ramot Polin complex has been named one of the "World's Strangest Buildings"[5] and has been described as a "housing project for honeybees".[6] The entire neighborhood is organized on a hill in central Ramot in a shape resembling a five-fingered hand or three-branched leaf. Each finger, which represents a different level of the [uilding that lasted until the mid-1980s, is a series of 5-6 L-shaped apartment buildings incorporated in each other, creating a wide zigzag. In each of these fingers there is an inner courtyard, which was designed to remember the traditional courtyards of the older Jewish neighborhoods in Jerusalem.

^ Banister Fletcher, Dan Cruickshank. Sir Banister Fletcher's a History of Architecture, Architectural Press. 1996. P. 1460. ISBN 0-7506-2267-9 ^ Allison Arieff, Bryan Burkhart. Prefab, Gibbs Smith, 2002. Pgs. 34–35. ISBN 1-58685-132-2 ^ Esther Zandberg. משהו יקרה אחרינו Haaretz. 4 September 2008. ^ Anthony C. Antoniades. Poetics of architecture: theory of design, Van Nostrand Reinhold. 1990. P. 194. ISBN 0-442-23990-4 ^ "World's Strangest Buildings | Travel + Leisure". ^ Karrie Jacobs. World's Strangest Buildings, Yahoo! Travel
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