Wieża ciśnień Borek we Wrocławiu

( Wrocław Water Tower )

The Wrocław Water Tower (Polish: Wieża ciśnień we Wrocławiu) is a historic water tower situated in the Borek neighbourhood of Wrocław, Poland.

During the Battle of Festung Breslau in 1945 the tower served as a command point. The surrounding area was heavily bombed and damaged in combat, yet the tower remained almost intact during World War II. However, the war and the following years saw the tower suffer greatly from neglect. Until the mid eighties the tower served as a reservoir, equalizing water pressure for the southern districts.

In 1995 the tower was purchased from the city by the Stephan Elektronik Investment Company and turned into a restaurant complex, called Wieża Cisnień ('Water Tower'). In 2017 the property was sold to a new private investor and the tower is no longer open to visitors.

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