مقبرة وادي السلام

( Wadi-us-Salaam )

Wadi-us-Salaam (Arabic: وادي السلام, romanized: Wādī s-Salām Arabic pronunciation: [ˈwaːdi‿s.saˈlaːm], lit.'Valley of Peace') is an Islamic cemetery, located in the holy city of Najaf, Iraq. It is the largest cemetery in the world. The cemetery covers 1,485.5 acres (601.16 ha; 6.01 km2; 2.32 sq mi) and contains more than 6 million bodies. It also attracts millions of pilgrims annually.

The cemetery is located near the shrine of Ali ibn Abi Talib, the fourth Sunni Caliph, as well as the first Shia Imam. Thus, many Shi'ites in Iraq request that they be buried in this cemetery. As a result of improved transportation methods, Shi'ites from across the globe are (or seek to be) buried in th...Read more

Wadi-us-Salaam (Arabic: وادي السلام, romanized: Wādī s-Salām Arabic pronunciation: [ˈwaːdi‿s.saˈlaːm], lit.'Valley of Peace') is an Islamic cemetery, located in the holy city of Najaf, Iraq. It is the largest cemetery in the world. The cemetery covers 1,485.5 acres (601.16 ha; 6.01 km2; 2.32 sq mi) and contains more than 6 million bodies. It also attracts millions of pilgrims annually.

The cemetery is located near the shrine of Ali ibn Abi Talib, the fourth Sunni Caliph, as well as the first Shia Imam. Thus, many Shi'ites in Iraq request that they be buried in this cemetery. As a result of improved transportation methods, Shi'ites from across the globe are (or seek to be) buried in the cemetery. However, to be buried at the cemetery, one has to be interred inside one of the shared crypts in the cemetery.

Photographies by:
Sgt. Johnnie French - Public domain
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