ذو عين

( Thee Ain )

The village of Thee Ain (Arabic: ذي عين), Dhi Ayn or Zee Ain village is in the Al-Mikhwat province of the Al-Baha Region, Saudi Arabia. The village is characterized by houses built from polished stones and dating back to the 8th century. It is located to the southwest of the city of Al Makhwah about 20 km from the village. The village includes more than 40 houses and a mosque adjacent to the river. Nearby forts protected them from raids.

The village was established in the tenth century AH, and witnessed many invasions between the tribes before the unification of the Kingdom by King Abdul Aziz Al Saud. One of the most important invasions against the region was when they met the armies of Zahran and Ghamd tribes on the one hand with the army of Muhammad Ali Pasha. Ali Pasha and known tombs as "graves of the Turks".

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