فوهة الوعبة

( Al Wahbah crater )

Al Wahbah Crater (Arabic: فَوْهَة ٱلْوَعْبَة, romanized: Fawhat al-Waʿbah), also Maqlaʿ Ṭamiyyah (مَقْلَع طَمِيَّة), is a volcanic crater, which is about 250 kilometres (160 miles) away from Ta'if on the western edge of the Harrat Kishb basalt plateau in the Hejazi region of Saudi Arabia (lat. 22.90632, lon. 41.13849).

The Harrat Kishb plateau contains many volcanic cones. It is 250 m (820 ft) deep and 2 km (1.2 mi) in diameter. The bottom of the crater is covered with white sodium phosphate crystals.

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