Telefèric de l'Estany Gento

The Gento Lake Cable Car was built in 1981 by the company Forces Elèctriques de Catalunya, S.A. (FECSA) to replace the old access system to the lake (consisting of two funiculars and a narrow-gauge railway - the carrilet-) and to facilitate the transport of personnel and materials during the construction of the new Sallente reversible hydroelectric plant- Gento Pond The cable car performs a mixed service (passengers and goods) and is one of the largest transport capacity in Europe, since it can transport up to 25,000 kg of cargo and during the works of the plant a concrete truck with the whole load The beautiful landscapes of Lake Gento (2,143 m) and the nearby lakes led to an increasing influx of visitors, which determined that from 1991 the owning company decided to open this cable car to the public during the months of summer

The Gento lake cable car is a rather unique facility. Especially in terms of its size and the fact that only one vehicle is driving there. In ...Read more

The Gento Lake Cable Car was built in 1981 by the company Forces Elèctriques de Catalunya, S.A. (FECSA) to replace the old access system to the lake (consisting of two funiculars and a narrow-gauge railway - the carrilet-) and to facilitate the transport of personnel and materials during the construction of the new Sallente reversible hydroelectric plant- Gento Pond The cable car performs a mixed service (passengers and goods) and is one of the largest transport capacity in Europe, since it can transport up to 25,000 kg of cargo and during the works of the plant a concrete truck with the whole load The beautiful landscapes of Lake Gento (2,143 m) and the nearby lakes led to an increasing influx of visitors, which determined that from 1991 the owning company decided to open this cable car to the public during the months of summer

The Gento lake cable car is a rather unique facility. Especially in terms of its size and the fact that only one vehicle is driving there. In total there are 5 cables: two for lifting (on which the basket slides), one for traction (which pulls the cabin), the same traction cable but return (without vehicle to pull) and finally an auxiliary cable. At the upper station we can see that the traction cables follow a series of pulleys to give them continuity. In addition, there are also the tensioners, which are tied to the rock.

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Titoworld - CC BY-SA 3.0
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