Plaza de los Coches

The Plaza de los Coches is a colonial square located in Cartagena, Colombia. The square has remained an integral part of Cartagena since the city was founded in 1533.

It was first known by the name of "Plaza del Juez", because, according to tradition, the law graduate, Don Francisco de Santa Cruz, lived in the house on the corner of the square. This jurist had arrived in Cartagena in 1536, as Judge of Residence, in order to swear in the new governor, don Juan de Vadillo, who replaced the founder of Cartagena, don Pedro de Heredia.

Later the square became the place of sale of black slaves brought from Africa during the Colony. Then the square was called "Plaza del Esclavo".

By the end of the 16th century, the merchants settled on one side of the square, where they recommended the most varied products, mostly items from the old continent. This circumstance led to the square being named "Plaza de los Mercaderes".

Years later, the sale of herbs was author...Read more

The Plaza de los Coches is a colonial square located in Cartagena, Colombia. The square has remained an integral part of Cartagena since the city was founded in 1533.

It was first known by the name of "Plaza del Juez", because, according to tradition, the law graduate, Don Francisco de Santa Cruz, lived in the house on the corner of the square. This jurist had arrived in Cartagena in 1536, as Judge of Residence, in order to swear in the new governor, don Juan de Vadillo, who replaced the founder of Cartagena, don Pedro de Heredia.

Later the square became the place of sale of black slaves brought from Africa during the Colony. Then the square was called "Plaza del Esclavo".

By the end of the 16th century, the merchants settled on one side of the square, where they recommended the most varied products, mostly items from the old continent. This circumstance led to the square being named "Plaza de los Mercaderes".

Years later, the sale of herbs was authorized in a corner of the square, so people began to call it "Plaza de Yerba". At the end of the 19th century, the City Council authorized the charioteers to park their cars on one side of the square, so the people of Cartagena came to call it "Plaza de los Coches". Finally, on the occasion of having signed the Colombian-Ecuadorian border treaty of 1919, the Cabildo issued a regulation to rename it Plaza de Ecuador. However, the locals still call it Plaza de los Coches.

Until well into the 20th century, the public "Picota" or gallows was found in the middle of this square, where the heads of those executed were exhibited, or they were put to death right there.

Photographies by:
Bernd Lutz - CC BY-SA 3.0
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