The Pedreres de s Hostal, located 1 km from Ciutadella (Menorca), make up an area of u200bu200bmarès quarries. They are characterized by constant contrast and duality: on the one hand, a landscape results from mechanical extraction, with large dimensions and cubic geometry, and, on the other, ancient manual extraction quarries, a real stone labyrinth. and vegetation, where organic forms and the variety of spaces reign. Líthica's work consists of rescuing these quarries and giving them new life with interventions that promote their labyrinth and garden essence.

The extraction of marès, both from the old and the modern quarries, had the purpose of making limestone for the construction of buildings on the island. In 1994 they were closed and a year later the Associació Líthica, founded by the sculptor and architect Laetitia Lara, rented them with the support of the Council of Menorca with the general objectives of preserving, to rehabilitate and enhance Menorca's ...Read more

The Pedreres de s Hostal, located 1 km from Ciutadella (Menorca), make up an area of u200bu200bmarès quarries. They are characterized by constant contrast and duality: on the one hand, a landscape results from mechanical extraction, with large dimensions and cubic geometry, and, on the other, ancient manual extraction quarries, a real stone labyrinth. and vegetation, where organic forms and the variety of spaces reign. Líthica's work consists of rescuing these quarries and giving them new life with interventions that promote their labyrinth and garden essence.

The extraction of marès, both from the old and the modern quarries, had the purpose of making limestone for the construction of buildings on the island. In 1994 they were closed and a year later the Associació Líthica, founded by the sculptor and architect Laetitia Lara, rented them with the support of the Council of Menorca with the general objectives of preserving, to rehabilitate and enhance Menorca's tidal quarries, as historical ethnological heritage of great artistic and landscape value.

Photographies by:
Miquel Colomer Planagumà from BARCELONA, España - CC BY-SA 2.0
Ben Salter from Wales - CC BY 2.0
Ben Salter from Wales - CC BY 2.0
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