مسجد نصیرالملک

( Nasir-ol-Molk Mosque )

The Nasir al-Mulk Mosque (Persian: مسجد نصیرالملک, Masjed-e Nasir ol-Molk), also known as the Pink Mosque (مسجد صورتی, Masjed-e Surati), is a traditional mosque in Shiraz, Iran. It is located near Shāh Chérāgh Mosque. It was built during Qajar dynasty rule of Iran.

The mosque includes extensive coloured glass in its facade, and displays other traditional elements such as the Panj Kāse ("five concaved") design.

The mosque was built during the Qajar dynasty, and is still in use under protection by the Endowment Foundation of Nasir al Molk. Construction began in 1876 by the order of Mirza Hassan Ali Nasir-ol-Mulk, one of the lords and aristocrats of Shiraz, the son of Ali Akbar Qavam al-Mulk, the kalantar of Shiraz and was completed in 1888. The designers were Mohammad Hasan-e-Memār, a Persian architect who had also built the noted Eram Garden before the Nasir al-Molk Mosque, Mohammad Hosseini Shirazi, and Mohammad Rezā Kāshi-Sāz-e-Širāzi.[1]

^ “A Mixture of Architecture and Art in Nasir Al-Mulk Mosque in Shiraz, Iran.” Nasir Al-Mulk Mosque, http://nasiralmulk.ir/.
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Matt Biddulph from UK - CC BY-SA 2.0
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