Манастир Манасија

( Manasija )

The Manasija Monastery (Serbian: Манастир Манасија, romanized: Manastir Manasija, pronounced [manǎsija]) also known as Resava (Ресава, pronounced [rɛ̌saʋa]), is a Serbian Orthodox monastery near Despotovac, Serbia founded by Despot Stefan Lazarević between 1406 and 1418. The church is dedicated to the Holy Trinity. It is one of the most significant monuments of medieval Serbian culture and it belongs to the "Morava school". The monastery is surrounded by massive walls and towers. Immediately following its foundation, the monastery became the cultural centre of the Serbian Despotate. Its School of Resava was well known for its manuscripts and translations throughout the 1...Read more

The Manasija Monastery (Serbian: Манастир Манасија, romanized: Manastir Manasija, pronounced [manǎsija]) also known as Resava (Ресава, pronounced [rɛ̌saʋa]), is a Serbian Orthodox monastery near Despotovac, Serbia founded by Despot Stefan Lazarević between 1406 and 1418. The church is dedicated to the Holy Trinity. It is one of the most significant monuments of medieval Serbian culture and it belongs to the "Morava school". The monastery is surrounded by massive walls and towers. Immediately following its foundation, the monastery became the cultural centre of the Serbian Despotate. Its School of Resava was well known for its manuscripts and translations throughout the 15th and 16th centuries, even after the fall of the Despotate to the Ottoman Turks. Manasija complex was declared Monument of Culture of Exceptional Importance in 1979, and it is protected by Republic of Serbia, and monastery have entered a UNESCO Tentative List Process in 2010.

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Magyshadow - CC BY-SA 4.0
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