Ethnological Museum, Pristina

The Ethnological Treasure of Kosovo is an ethnographic museum in Pristina, Kosovo. It is located in the Emin Gjiku Complex, a monument of culture from the 18th century. The house was once owned by the family of Emin Gjikolli. The name Emin Gjikolli means "little man", in Turkish the spelling is "Eminçik", which the complex holds as the name today. In the museum, tools and items related to lifestyle from the Ottoman Kosovo period are on display.

In 2002, the Ethnological Museum opened its exhibition of a permanent nature, in which ancient clothing, tools, containers furniture, old weapons, etc., were presented.

Until 1990, the Emin Gjiku Complex served as a nature museum, but after the completion of internationally funded conservation works in 2003, it was turned into an ethnological museum housing a vast collection of traditional costumes as well as utensils, handcraft elements, and other tools used in everyday life. The above-mentioned collection is sheltered i...Read more

The Ethnological Treasure of Kosovo is an ethnographic museum in Pristina, Kosovo. It is located in the Emin Gjiku Complex, a monument of culture from the 18th century. The house was once owned by the family of Emin Gjikolli. The name Emin Gjikolli means "little man", in Turkish the spelling is "Eminçik", which the complex holds as the name today. In the museum, tools and items related to lifestyle from the Ottoman Kosovo period are on display.

In 2002, the Ethnological Museum opened its exhibition of a permanent nature, in which ancient clothing, tools, containers furniture, old weapons, etc., were presented.

Until 1990, the Emin Gjiku Complex served as a nature museum, but after the completion of internationally funded conservation works in 2003, it was turned into an ethnological museum housing a vast collection of traditional costumes as well as utensils, handcraft elements, and other tools used in everyday life. The above-mentioned collection is sheltered in the two central buildings of the complex (the house and the guest house) situated at the inner court, while at the entrance court, the relocated building is rented under a special contract by the museum to the Contemporary Art Centre 'Stacion' in Prishtina and the stable, the object of the study, is left unused to date, despite the constant promises by the director of the museum to turn it into a traditional food restaurant.

Photographies by:
Bujar Imer Gashi - CC BY-SA 3.0
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