Kudykina Gora is a park of natural wonders in the Lipetsk region of Russia. Located 11 km from Zadonsk, near the village of Kamenka.

The area of u200bu200bthe park is 500 hectares. The park opened in 2007. The park is one of the most visited tourist attractions of the Zadonsk region and the entire Lipetsk region.

Kudykina Gora is an open-air park on the banks of the Don, where horses, donkeys, sheep, ostriches, guinea fowls, peacocks, buffaloes, camels, llamas, deer, yaks, raccoons, kangaroos graze in an open paddock and other animals. Crested ducks, runners and other waterfowl swim in the Kamenka River.

The park has the largest children's town in the Lipetsk region, a stone garden, a wooden Scythian fortress measuring 100 × 100 m, two springs, one of which is holy, and the other has a font . There are huge wooden sculptures "Trojan Horse", fire-breathing "Snake Gorynych" and "Bull". An artificial lake is organized in the park, which, accordi...Read more

Kudykina Gora is a park of natural wonders in the Lipetsk region of Russia. Located 11 km from Zadonsk, near the village of Kamenka.

The area of u200bu200bthe park is 500 hectares. The park opened in 2007. The park is one of the most visited tourist attractions of the Zadonsk region and the entire Lipetsk region.

Kudykina Gora is an open-air park on the banks of the Don, where horses, donkeys, sheep, ostriches, guinea fowls, peacocks, buffaloes, camels, llamas, deer, yaks, raccoons, kangaroos graze in an open paddock and other animals. Crested ducks, runners and other waterfowl swim in the Kamenka River.

The park has the largest children's town in the Lipetsk region, a stone garden, a wooden Scythian fortress measuring 100 × 100 m, two springs, one of which is holy, and the other has a font . There are huge wooden sculptures "Trojan Horse", fire-breathing "Snake Gorynych" and "Bull". An artificial lake is organized in the park, which, according to the plan, is not intended for swimming.

There is a riding school, hippotherapy classes are held.

In winter, skiing, skating, snowtubes, zorbs, and ice rinks for kids are organized in the park.

Entrance to the park is free.

The owner of the park is the largest agricultural holding of the Lipetsk region JSC APO Avrora.

The updated concept of the park was developed by the Moscow architectural bureau Megabudka in 2017.

Photographies by:
Апарин Алексей (Заводской) - CC BY-SA 4.0
insider51 - CC BY-SA 3.0
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