Славянский кремль

Slavic Kremlin is a complex of buildings located on a plot of 2.4 hectares near the village of Valishchevo, 30 km from the Moscow Ring Road in the eastern part of the urban district of Podolsk, Moscow Region. Founded in 2005. The author of the project and the owner of the estate is the Russian traveler V. V. Sundakov.

On the territory, such buildings as the "Prince's Tower", "Slavic Temple", a tent mill, a Russian hut brought from the Russian North were erected. Ethnographic, historical, cultural and musical festivals are held here annually, in which hundreds of representatives of historical reenactment clubs from numerous cities of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Germany take part, “year-round” holidays are held (timed to coincide with the summer and winter solstices, spring and autumn equinoxes) , creative meetings, master classes and initiative events of various clubs.

The goals of creating the Slavic complex are: 1) the formation of the national-territorial cultu...Read more

Slavic Kremlin is a complex of buildings located on a plot of 2.4 hectares near the village of Valishchevo, 30 km from the Moscow Ring Road in the eastern part of the urban district of Podolsk, Moscow Region. Founded in 2005. The author of the project and the owner of the estate is the Russian traveler V. V. Sundakov.

On the territory, such buildings as the "Prince's Tower", "Slavic Temple", a tent mill, a Russian hut brought from the Russian North were erected. Ethnographic, historical, cultural and musical festivals are held here annually, in which hundreds of representatives of historical reenactment clubs from numerous cities of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Germany take part, “year-round” holidays are held (timed to coincide with the summer and winter solstices, spring and autumn equinoxes) , creative meetings, master classes and initiative events of various clubs.

The goals of creating the Slavic complex are: 1) the formation of the national-territorial culture of Russian society, 2) the unification of expressive artifacts of mankind associated with the history of the evolution of world civilizations and ancient religions, as well as the active popularization of national and world history and world geography.

Photographies by:
HiperBoreus - CC BY-SA 3.0
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