The Ingá Stone (Pedra do Ingá in Portuguese) is located in the middle of the Ingá River near the small city of Ingá, 96 kilometres (60 mi) from João Pessoa, in Paraíba State in the northeast of Brazil. The Ingá Stone is also called Itacoatiara do Ingá. The word Ita means "stone" in the Tupi language of the natives that lived in that area. It is a rock formation in gneiss which covers an area of approximately 250 square metres (2,700 sq ft). Altogether primary, a vertical wall 46 meters (151 ft) long by 3.8 meters (12 ft) high, and adjacent areas, there are entries whose meanings are unknown. Several figures are carved in low relief in this set, suggesting the representation of animals, fruits, and astronomical features like the constellation Orion and the Milky Way.

It is composed of some basalt stones covered with symbols and glyphs which are yet undeciphered. Scholars think it was created by natives that lived in the area until the 18th c...Read more

The Ingá Stone (Pedra do Ingá in Portuguese) is located in the middle of the Ingá River near the small city of Ingá, 96 kilometres (60 mi) from João Pessoa, in Paraíba State in the northeast of Brazil. The Ingá Stone is also called Itacoatiara do Ingá. The word Ita means "stone" in the Tupi language of the natives that lived in that area. It is a rock formation in gneiss which covers an area of approximately 250 square metres (2,700 sq ft). Altogether primary, a vertical wall 46 meters (151 ft) long by 3.8 meters (12 ft) high, and adjacent areas, there are entries whose meanings are unknown. Several figures are carved in low relief in this set, suggesting the representation of animals, fruits, and astronomical features like the constellation Orion and the Milky Way.

It is composed of some basalt stones covered with symbols and glyphs which are yet undeciphered. Scholars think it was created by natives that lived in the area until the 18th century. Unfortunately, the site is under constant danger of being damaged beyond repair by scavengers and vandals.

Most glyphs represent animals, fruits, humans, constellations, and other unrecognizable images.

Photographies by:
Claudio JJ - CC BY-SA 4.0
Lucia Barreiros da Silva - CC BY-SA 3.0
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