Glass Beach (Fort Bragg, California) Ggerdel - Foto de: Gustavo Gerdel - CC BY-SA 4.0 Home Western United States United States Glass Beach (Fort Bragg, California) Description Glass Beach is a beach adjacent to MacKerricher State Park near Fort Bragg, California, named from a time when it was abundant with sea glass created from years of dumping garbage into an area of coastline near the northern part of the town. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Submit Reset More information Photographies by: Ggerdel - Foto de: Gustavo Gerdel - CC BY-SA 4.0 Zones United States Western United States Statistics: Position 5810 Statistics: Rank 89848 Add new comment Comment About text formats CAPTCHA Security Code 682495173Click/tap this sequence: 4949 Esta pregunta es para comprobar si usted es un visitante humano y prevenir envíos de spam automatizado. Save Google street view Google street view Where can you sleep near Glass Beach (Fort Bragg, California) ? What can you do near Glass Beach (Fort Bragg, California) ? Chandelier Tree Bowling Ball Beach Fort Ross, California Carson Mansion Lake Berryessa Point Reyes Lighthouse Redwood National and State Parks Bateria Spencer Golden Gate Golden Gate Bridge Alcatraz Island Wave Organ Lombard Street (San Francisco) Coit Tower Haight-Ashbury Alamo Square, San Francisco San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge Yerba Buena Tunnel View more on the map 6.585.976 visits in total, 9.312 Points of interest, 405 Destinations, 143 visits today.
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