Ghora Katora (Aimee Maganda), which means "Horse Bowl", is a natural lake near the city of Rajgir in the Indian state of Bihar. The shape of the lake resembles that of a horse and is surrounded by mountains on three of the sides. The lake attracts migratory birds from Siberia and central Asia during winter.

Then chief minister of Bihar, Nitish Kumar, visited for the first time in 2009 as an attempt to popularize the area for eco-tourism. On 29 January 2011, the lake was opened to the general public. A 70 feet high Buddha statue was inaugurated in November 2018.[1][2]

^ "घोड़ा कटोरा झील में नवनिर्मित भगवान बुद्ध की प्रतिमा का अनावरण 25 नवंबर को, CM नीतीश ने किया भ्रमण" [The statue of lord Buddha in the Ghora Katora lake will unveiled on 25th November in Nalanda of Bihar]. Prabhat Khabar. 13 October 2018. Retrieved 16 August 2019. ^ Hassan, Ayesha (4 June 2018). "Buddha statue to be installed in Rajgir lake by month end". The Times of India. Retrieved 16 August 2019.
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Abhishek Kumar - CC BY-SA 4.0
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