Darbhanga Fort

Darbhanga Fort is also called Ram Bagh Fort, because it is situated in Rambagh Palace inside the fort. Rambagh campus is surrounded by walls and covers about 85 acres (34 ha).

Prior to the formation of the fort, this area was a part of the village named Islampur, which was under the control of Nawab Aliwardi Khan of Murshidabad State. Afterwards, it came under the control of the progeny of Maharaja of Darbhanga, Shri Kameshwar Singh.

After this, in 1930, when Maharaja Kameshwar Singh decided to build a fort here like other forts of India, the Muslim majority population here settled in places like Shivdhara, Alinagar, Laheriyasarai, Chakodohara with compensation of land.

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Hayat - CC BY-SA 4.0
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