حصن الغويزي

( Fort Al-Ghwayzi )

Fort Al-Ghwayzi (Arabic: حِصْن ٱلْغوَيْزِي, romanized: Ḥiṣn Al-Ghwayzī), or "Al-Waizi Fortress", is one of the old fortresses in Al-Mukalla, the capital of Hadhramaut Governorate in Yemen. It is considered an architectural masterpiece built on the foot of a rock designed to protect the city from Bedouin attacks.

The Fortress of Al-Ghwayzi is one of the important historic fortresses in Yemen. It dates back to 1716 when the sultans of the Emirate of Al-Kassad ruled the Hadhramaut region.[1] The fort is located in the northeastern entrance of the city of Mukalla, a historic center for visitors surrounded by a public park. Historical sources indicate that the purpose of its establishment was to monitor the military raids, which targeted the city of Mukalla on the coast of the Arabian Sea from the direction of the north, especially the raids launched by the Kathiri Sultanate occupied the city of present Seiyun, and the raids launched by the Qu'aiti Sultanate, which was stationed in the city of Ash Shihr. The city of Mukalla however was eventually taken over by Qu'aitis in 1881 and the city was designated as its capital, nonetheless the fort was kept used against the other waves of raids coming from the north of Wadi Daw'an led by the Mayor of the State Sheikh Al-Amoudi.

^ Cite error: The named reference Thawr was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
Photographies by:
Ljuba brank - CC BY-SA 3.0
العمري - Public domain
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