
( Dōtonbori )

Dōtonbori or Dōtombori (道頓堀, pronounced [doːtomboɾi]) is a district in Osaka, Japan. Known as one of Osaka's principal tourist and nightlife areas, the area runs along the Dōtonbori canal from Dōtonboribashi Bridge to Nipponbashi Bridge in the Namba district of the city's Chūō ward. Historically a theater district, it is now a popular nightlife and entertainment area characterized by its eccentric atmosphere and large illuminated signboards.

One of the area's most prominent features is an illuminated billboard for confectionery company Glico displaying the image of a runner crossing a finishing line, which is often seen as an icon of Osaka within Japan.

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Tokumeigakarinoaoshima - CC BY-SA 4.0
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