
( Uji tea )

Uji tea (宇治茶, Uji-cha) is a common name for all Japanese green tea produced from Uji, Kyoto. The three main types of Uji tea are Matcha, Sencha and Gyokuro. Japanese tea is originated from the Tang dynasty of China, which is during the Heian period of Japan when Chinese influences were at its peak. When tea seeds were introduced to Japan, they were first planted at Toganoo. These seeds were later spread in Uji, which became the site to produce the highest quality of tea leaf in Japan.

Uji has witnessed the diversification of green tea. Beginning from the high-grade matcha, which was only accessible by the nobles, Sencha was invented in the 18th century to fulfil the need of common people. The combination of these two tea production techniques produced gyokuro. The increasing popularity of Uji tea is deeply connected with the...Read more

Uji tea (宇治茶, Uji-cha) is a common name for all Japanese green tea produced from Uji, Kyoto. The three main types of Uji tea are Matcha, Sencha and Gyokuro. Japanese tea is originated from the Tang dynasty of China, which is during the Heian period of Japan when Chinese influences were at its peak. When tea seeds were introduced to Japan, they were first planted at Toganoo. These seeds were later spread in Uji, which became the site to produce the highest quality of tea leaf in Japan.

Uji has witnessed the diversification of green tea. Beginning from the high-grade matcha, which was only accessible by the nobles, Sencha was invented in the 18th century to fulfil the need of common people. The combination of these two tea production techniques produced gyokuro. The increasing popularity of Uji tea is deeply connected with the success of tea ceremonies, including Tōcha, Chanoyu and Senchadō.

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