Calle Apolinar Jaén

The Jaén street is a street located in La Paz, Bolivia. The street is home to bars, cafes and museums, such as the house of Pedro Domingo Murillo.[1] u200b During the 16th century it was known for being a market for buying and selling camelids. It has an extension of 100 meters. Its buildings with balconies and cobbled streets preserve the colonial style.[2]u200b [3]u200b[4]u200b

The Jaén street is a street located in La Paz, Bolivia. The street is home to bars, cafes and museums, such as the house of Pedro Domingo Murillo.[1] u200b During the 16th century it was known for being a market for buying and selling camelids. It has an extension of 100 meters. Its buildings with balconies and cobbled streets preserve the colonial style.[2]u200b [3]u200b[4]u200b

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Dan Lundberg - CC BY-SA 2.0
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