The Azadi Tower (Persian: برج آزادی, Borj-e Āzādi; "Freedom Tower"), formerly known as the Shahyad Tower (برج شهیاد, Borj-e Šahyād; "Shah's Memorial Tower"), is a monument on Azadi Square in Tehran, Iran. It is one of the landmarks of Tehran, marking the west entrance to the city, and is part of the Azadi Cultural Complex, which also includes an underground museum.

The tower is about 45 metres (148 ft) tall and is completely clad in cut marble. It was commissioned by Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran, to mark the 2,500-year celebration of the Persian Empire and completed in 1971. It also serves as the country's kilometre zero.

After winning a competition, architect Hossein Amanat...Read more

The Azadi Tower (Persian: برج آزادی, Borj-e Āzādi; "Freedom Tower"), formerly known as the Shahyad Tower (برج شهیاد, Borj-e Šahyād; "Shah's Memorial Tower"), is a monument on Azadi Square in Tehran, Iran. It is one of the landmarks of Tehran, marking the west entrance to the city, and is part of the Azadi Cultural Complex, which also includes an underground museum.

The tower is about 45 metres (148 ft) tall and is completely clad in cut marble. It was commissioned by Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran, to mark the 2,500-year celebration of the Persian Empire and completed in 1971. It also serves as the country's kilometre zero.

After winning a competition, architect Hossein Amanat was tasked to design the tower. His ideas were based upon classical and post-classical Iranian architecture, popular influences on art in the 1960s following the White Revolution.

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Blondinrikard Fröberg from Göteborg, Sweden - CC BY 2.0
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