郭亮洞 ( Guoliang Tunnel ) Wikipedia body audio Hem Han Chinese Kina Guoliang Tunnel Description The Guoliang Tunnel (Chinese: 郭亮洞) is carved along the side of and through a mountain in China. The tunnel links the village of Guoliang to the outside through the Taihang Mountains which are situated in Huixian, Xinxiang, Henan Province of China. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Skicka Återställ More information Photographies by: Zones Kina Han Chinese Statistics: Position 1172 Statistics: Rank 102100 Lägg till ny kommentar Kommentar Om textformat CAPTCHA Säkerhet Code 698457321Click/tap this sequence: 2487 Den här frågan testar om du är en mänsklig besökare och förhindrar automatiska spaminsändningar. Spara Google street view Google street view Where can you sleep near Guoliang Tunnel ? Booking.com What can you do near Guoliang Tunnel ? 大足石刻 Klippristningarna i Dazu Liziba station Chongqing Zhongshuge 罗汉寺 Luohan Temple Mexin Village of Wine Ticket Office 洛带镇 Luodai 乐山大佛 Jättebuddhan i Leshan Oriental Buddha Park 成都大熊猫繁育研究基地 Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding 宝光寺 Baoguang Temple 武隆喀斯特 Wulong Karst 天生三桥 Three Natural Bridges 三星堆遗址 Sanxingdui Caowangba canal china 万年寺 Wannian Temple (Mount Emei) 盐津县 Yanjin, Zhaotong 峨眉山 Emeishan 青城山 Qingchengshan (berg) Wanzhou Grand Waterfall View more on the map 728.453 visits in total, 9.256 Points of interest, 405 Mål, 690 visits today.
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