The Sagole Baobab (also Sagole Big Tree, Muri kunguluwa (i.e. tree that roars), or Muvhuyu wa Makhadzi) is the largest baobab tree (Adansonia digitata) in South Africa. It is located east from Tshipise, in Vendaland, Limpopo Province and has a trunk diameter 10.47 metres, circumference 32.89 metres. That means, there is a need of approx. 18–20 people to complete embracing the tree with open hands. There is an entrance fee payable of ZAR 25 per person to see the tree.

This is also the stoutest tree in South Africa, after two other large baobabs, the Glencoe and Sunland Baobabs, collapsed in 2009 and 2016 respectively. The Sagole Baobab has the largest size nevertheless and retains the appearance of a single tree. It is 22 metres high with a crown diameter of 38.2 metres.

A breeding colony of mottled spinetails (Telacanthura ussheri) are resident in the tree.

Fotografías por:
Scott Davies - CC BY-SA 3.0
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