Bibiheybət (also, Bibi-Eybat, Bibiheibet, Bibi Eibat; formerly known as Xanlar, Euwbet, Helenendorf, Khanlar, and Shikhovo) is a municipality in Baku, Azerbaijan. It has a population of 1,451.

In 2007, in connection with the expansion of Bibiheybat Motorway and the reconstruction of similarly named mosque, dozens of families were relocated to new and modern homes. In addition, a stadium, a kindergarten and other constructions were rebuilt. Around the newly reconstructed stadium, a recreation park was laid out to provide local community with mass cultural recreation.

In 1846, the Russians drilled the first exploratory oil well in the world here, to a depth of 21 m. In the 1890s, a large oil field was discovered offshore, which led to land reclamation in 1924, in order to produce the field.

Fotografías por:
Franziosif - CC BY-SA 3.0
slawkuwal - CC BY-SA 3.0
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