Torcas de los Palancares

Torcas de los Palancares is a natural area of u200bu200bthe Serranía de Cuenca, in the autonomous community of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain. It is part of the Torcas de Palancares and Tierra Muerta Natural Monument. It is located on the Monte de los Palancares, near the city of Cuenca. It is a curious geological formation made up of different torques, which are actually more or less circular or oval subsidences in the ground that can reach a depth of more than 90 meters and a variable extension that ranges from 0.3 hectares in the Torca de La Novia and 10.25 hectares in Torca Larga. Technically this type of subsidence is known as sinkholes, a term that refers to a special type of geological depression characteristic of karstic reliefs. They have been formed naturally as a result of the action of underground carbonic waters on highly soluble limestone rocks, causing fracture zones called diaclases, ...Read more

Torcas de los Palancares is a natural area of u200bu200bthe Serranía de Cuenca, in the autonomous community of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain. It is part of the Torcas de Palancares and Tierra Muerta Natural Monument. It is located on the Monte de los Palancares, near the city of Cuenca. It is a curious geological formation made up of different torques, which are actually more or less circular or oval subsidences in the ground that can reach a depth of more than 90 meters and a variable extension that ranges from 0.3 hectares in the Torca de La Novia and 10.25 hectares in Torca Larga. Technically this type of subsidence is known as sinkholes, a term that refers to a special type of geological depression characteristic of karstic reliefs. They have been formed naturally as a result of the action of underground carbonic waters on highly soluble limestone rocks, causing fracture zones called diaclases, which are what have caused the subsidence of the land. [1]u200b[2]u200b [3]u200b

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Miguelno - CC BY-SA 4.0
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