Sant Gregori de Falset

Sant Gregori de Falset is a hermitage in the municipality of Falset (Priorat) protected as a cultural asset of local interest. A troglodytic construction built on a wide balma, it is made up of the hermit's house, with two doors, and the hermitage itself, with a red sandstone masonry structure and ashlar reinforcement in the corners. It is mostly covered by rock and a fragment of tile. Internally it is arranged in a ship. Externally, it has a gabled portal, in a semicircular arch, a small bull's eye and a bell tower on one side.

Sant Gregori de Falset is a hermitage in the municipality of Falset (Priorat) protected as a cultural asset of local interest. A troglodytic construction built on a wide balma, it is made up of the hermit's house, with two doors, and the hermitage itself, with a red sandstone masonry structure and ashlar reinforcement in the corners. It is mostly covered by rock and a fragment of tile. Internally it is arranged in a ship. Externally, it has a gabled portal, in a semicircular arch, a small bull's eye and a bell tower on one side.

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