دار الأوبرا السلطانية مسقط

( Royal Opera House Muscat )

The Royal Opera House Muscat (ROHM) is Oman's premier venue for musical arts and culture. The opera house is located in Shati Al-Qurm district of Muscat on Sultan Qaboos Street. Built on the royal orders of Sultan Qaboos of Oman, the Royal Opera House reflects unique contemporary Omani architecture, and has a capacity to accommodate maximum of 1,100 people. The opera house complex consists of a concert theatre, auditorium, formal landscaped gardens, cultural market with retail, luxury restaurants and an art centre for musical, theatrical and operatic productions.

Sultan Qaboos bin Said Al Said, who was the ruler of Oman during the opera construction, had been always a fan of classical music and arts. In 2001, the sultan ordered the building of an opera house. Initially called 'House of Musical Arts', the name 'Royal Opera House Muscat (ROHM)' was finally chosen.[1] This opera house, which was built by Carillion Alawi,[2] became the first in the world equipped with Radio Marconi's multimedia interactive display seatback system, Mode23.[3] It was officially opened on October 12, 2011, with a production of the opera Turandot, conducted by Spanish tenor Plácido Domingo.[4]

^ "Oman's music-loving sultan makes vision reality". The Independent. 12 December 2010. Retrieved 23 August 2013. ^ "Carillion Alawi wins big at CW Awards - Oman". Construction Week. 28 March 2012. Retrieved 23 August 2013. ^ "Radio Marconi installed its Mode23 award winner technology within the Royal Opera House in Muscat". Radio Marconi. 12 September 2011. Archived from the original on 25 April 2012. Retrieved 23 August 2013. ^ "Performances". Royal Opera House Muscat. Archived from the original on 19 December 2011. Retrieved 23 August 2013.
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Pravinpisolkar - CC BY-SA 4.0
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