The Pozo de las Ánimas is a geological structure in the Malargüe Department, in the Province of Mendoza, Argentina, located next to Provincial Route No. 222, near the Las Amarillas stream. This natural phenomenon has been classified as a sinkhole, caused by the dissolution of underground rock deposits such as gypsum, as a result of seepage from the underground water tables, which produce subsidence and landslides, forming large conical wells and circular.

The Pozo de las Ánimas is made up of two depressions, divided by a narrow separation, which is supposed to end up uniting the two wells into one over the years due to the erosion process. The size of the wells is estimated to be around 200 meters in diameter, 80 meters deep to the lake and about 20 meters deep underwater. The measurements were made in 1981 by a team of scientists led by Rodolfo Rogelio Rocha.

The name derives from an ancient aboriginal legend that relates that a group of indigenous peop...Read more

The Pozo de las Ánimas is a geological structure in the Malargüe Department, in the Province of Mendoza, Argentina, located next to Provincial Route No. 222, near the Las Amarillas stream. This natural phenomenon has been classified as a sinkhole, caused by the dissolution of underground rock deposits such as gypsum, as a result of seepage from the underground water tables, which produce subsidence and landslides, forming large conical wells and circular.

The Pozo de las Ánimas is made up of two depressions, divided by a narrow separation, which is supposed to end up uniting the two wells into one over the years due to the erosion process. The size of the wells is estimated to be around 200 meters in diameter, 80 meters deep to the lake and about 20 meters deep underwater. The measurements were made in 1981 by a team of scientists led by Rodolfo Rogelio Rocha.

The name derives from an ancient aboriginal legend that relates that a group of indigenous people who was being persecuted by another rival group realized that their pursuers had disappeared during the night, and alerted to certain moans and cries, they cautiously returned on his steps. There they found the pursuing party trapped in two wells that sank under their feet, and their drowned bodies. They venerated the site that saved them from their enemies as the "place where souls cry."

Photographies by:
Fabio (-Fabio-) from Mendoza, Argentina - CC BY 2.0
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