Olite (Erriberri in Basque language) is a town and municipality located in the Comarca de Tafalla comarca, Merindad de Olite merindad, in Navarre, Spain.

According to Isidore of Seville's Historia de regibus Gothorum, Vandalorum et Suevorum, the town of Oligicus was founded by Swinthila, Visigothic King of Hispania (621-631) in order to control and punish the Vascones. However, this town was not heard of again until five centuries later, when the present-day town was founded and chartered. The Palacio Real de Olite, a fine Gothic castle-palace, was the royal seat of Charles III of Navarre.

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César Viteri Ramirez from Madrid, Spain - CC BY-SA 2.0
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