Ngawha Springs (Māori: Ngāwhā) is a small settlement and hot water springs approximately five kilometres east of the town of Kaikohe in Northland, New Zealand. Ngāwhā means "boiling spring".

The springs reputedly have therapeutic, balneological properties for those who bathe in their waters, and is the source of the steam used at the Ngawha geothermal field's power station. The nearby Northland Region Corrections Facility is the only prison in Northland.

Ngāwhā Marae and its meeting house, E Koro Kia Tutuki, are a traditional meeting place for the local Ngāpuhi hapū of Ngāti Kiriahi, Ngāti Mau, Ngāti Rangi, Te Uri Hoatau and Te Uri Taniwha.

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Eli Duke from Portland, OR, USA - CC BY-SA 2.0
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