Museo Arqueológico Nacional (España)

( National Archaeological Museum (Madrid) )

The National Archaeological Museum (Spanish: Museo Arqueológico Nacional; MAN) is a museum in Madrid, Spain. It is located on Calle de Serrano beside the Plaza de Colón, sharing its building with the National Library of Spain.

The museum was founded in 1867 by a Royal Decree of Isabella II as a depository for numismatic, archaeological, ethnographical and decorative art collections of the Spanish monarchs. The establishment of the museum was predated by a previous unmaterialised proposal by the Royal Academy of History in 1830 to create a museum of antiquities.[1]

 Laying of the first stone of the building destined for the National Archaeological Museum and the National Library in 1866

The museum was originally located in the Embajadores district of Madrid. In 1895, it moved to a building designed specifically to house it, a neoclassical design by architect Francisco Jareño, built from 1866 to 1892. In 1968, renovation and extension works considerably increased its area. The museum closed for renovation in 2008 and reopened in April 2014.[2]

Following a restructuring of the collection in the 1940s, its former pieces relative to the section of American Ethnography were transferred to the Museum of the Americas, while other pieces from abroad were destined to the National Museum of Ethnography and to the National Museum of Decorative Arts.[3]

Its current collection is based on pieces from the Iberian Peninsula, from Prehistory to Early-Modern Age. However, it also has different collections coming from outside of Spain, especially from Ancient Greece, both from the metropolitan and, above all, from Magna Graecia, and, to a lesser extent, from Ancient Egypt, in addition to "a small number of pieces" from Near East.[4]

^ Lanzarote Guiral, José María (2011). "National Museums in Spain: A History of Crown, Church and People". In Aronsson, Peter; Elgenius, Gabriella (eds.). Building National Museums in Europe 1750–2010 (PDF). Linköping University Electronic Press. p. 853. ^ Official website (in Spanish), plus information from Madrid Tourist Office etc, as at November 24, 2013. ^ Marcos Alonso, Carmen (2017). "150 años del Museo Arqueológico Nacional" (PDF). Boletín del Museo Arqueológico Nacional (35): 1699. ISSN 0212-5544. ^ "Egipto y Oriente Próximo", Museo Arqueológico Nacional (in Spanish)
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Emilio J. Rodríguez Posada - CC BY-SA 2.0
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