Mustang Caves or Sky Caves of Nepal are a collection of some 10,000 man-made caves dug into the sides of valleys in the Mustang District of Nepal. Several groups of archaeologists and researchers have explored these stacked caves and found partially mummified human bodies and skeletons that are at least 2,000–3,000 years old. Explorations of these caves by conservators and archaeologists have also led to the discovery of valuable Buddhist paintings, sculptures, manuscripts and numerous artifacts belonging to the 12th to 14th century. The caves lie on the steep valley walls near the Kali Gandaki River in Upper Mustang. Research groups have continued to investigate these caves, but no one has yet understood who built the caves and why they were built. The site has been listed as a UNESCO tentative site since 1996.

Mustang was formerly the Kingdom of Lo in northern Nepal, with its capital at Lo Manthang. At the end of the 18th century, the kingdom was annexed by Nepal. Upper Mustang was a restricted demilitarized area until 1992, which makes it one of the most preserved regions in the world due to its relative isolation from the outside world, with a majority of the population still speaking traditional Tibetic languages.[1] The monarchy in Mustang ceased to exist on October 7, 2008, by order of the Government of Nepal, after Nepal became a federal democratic republic.[2]

Sky caves
Sky caves in Chhusang
Sky caves at Chhoser village, Lo Manthang
Caves in Tetang
^ Kaushik. "The mysterious caves of Mustang, Nepal". Amusing Planet. Retrieved 29 December 2016. ^ Xinhua News Agency. "Nepali deputy PM asks district "king" to step down". China View News. Archived from the original on March 4, 2009. Retrieved 3 January 2017.
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Jmhullot - CC BY 3.0
Jmhullot - CC BY 3.0
Usha Pande - CC BY-SA 4.0
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