Moraine Lake

Moraine Lake is a glacially fed lake in Banff National Park, 14 kilometres (8.7 mi) outside the hamlet of Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada. It is situated in the Valley of the Ten Peaks, at an elevation of approximately 1,884 metres (6,181 ft). The lake has a surface area of 50 hectares (120 acres).

The lake, being glacially fed, does not reach its crest until middle to late June. When it is full, it reflects a distinctive shade of azure blue. The unique colour is due to the refraction of light off the rock flour deposited in the lake on a continual basis by surrounding glaciers.

The road to Moraine Lake is only open during the summer months (June-Sep). Since 2023, Parks Canada has closed it for personal vehicles year-round with only its shuttles, public transit and commercial operators allowed to access the road. Visitors can also bike the road.

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