Lake Tamblingan (Balinese: Danu Tamblingan ᬤᬦᬸᬢᬫ᭄ᬩᭂᬮᬶᬗᬦ᭄, Indonesian: Danau Tamblingan) is a caldera lake located in Buleleng Regency, Bali. The lake is located at the foot of Mount Lesung in Munduk administrative village, Banjar subdistrict, Buleleng Regency, Bali, Indonesia. The lake is one of the three lakes that formed inside an ancient caldera, the other lakes to the east of Lake Tamblingan are Lake Buyan and Lake Bratan. Tamblingan lake is a pristine lake surrounded with dense rainforest and archaeological remnants of the 10th-century Tamblingan civilization. The lake and the surrounding settlements is designated as a spiritual tourism area protected from modern development by the government.

Lake Tamblingan is surrounded with many ancient Balinese temples (puras). The many temples surrounding the lake are associated with the ancient Tamblingan civilization. Tamblingan is first mentioned in a ca. AD 900 copper inscription as a settlement located on the southern shore of Tamblingan Lake. This copper inscription was discovered in the village of Gobleg, another ancient village located near Munduk.[1] The ancient temple Pura Dalem Tamblingan is still maintained today, located on the southern shore of Lake Tamblingan in what is now a small village of Gubug.[1]

Due to an unknown reason, the people from the original Tamblingan village migrated to four different places in the vicinity of the lake, creating new villages collectively known as Catur Desa ("four villages"). These villages are Munduk, Gobleg, Gesing, and Umejero. The four villages shared the similar spiritual belief, that is to maintain the sanctity of the lake Tamblingan. Temples were established along the lake Tamblingan to honor the gods.[2]

^ a b Ottersen 2016, p. 125. ^ Surya 2012, pp. 140–1.
Photographies by:
Kerildoank - CC BY-SA 4.0
Francesco Veronesi from Italy - CC BY-SA 2.0
Hendri Suhandi - CC BY-SA 4.0
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