Jabal Haraz (Arabic: جَبَل حَرَاز, romanized: Jabal Ḥarāz) is a mountainous region of Yemen, between Sanaa and Al-Hudaydah, which is considered to be within the Sarat range. In the 11th century, it was the stronghold of the Sulaihid dynasty, many of whose buildings still survive today. It includes Jabal An-Nabi Shu'ayb, the highest mountain in Yemen and the Arabian Peninsula.

Photographies by:
Franco Pecchio from Milano, Italy - CC BY 2.0
Rod Waddington from Kergunyah, Australia - CC BY-SA 2.0
Franco Pecchio from Milano, Italy - CC BY 2.0
Rod Waddington from Kergunyah, Australia - CC BY-SA 2.0
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