Green Mosque, Balkh

The Green Mosque (Pashto: شنه جومات ; Dari: مَسجد سَبز, romanized: Masjid Sabz), or the Mosque of Khawaja Abu Nasr Parsa (Pashto; د خواجه ابو نصر پارسا جومات) is a mosque in the city of Balkh, northern Afghanistan. It contains the Shrine of Khwaja Abu Nasr Parsa. The mosque's name is derived from the kashi tiles on the walls of the mosque, which are coloured turquoise, known locally as Turkish Green.

The original building was constructed by the Timurid general Mir Mazid Arghun[1] over the grave of Khawaja Abu Nasr Parsa, a local religious teacher and mystic of the Naqshbandi order.[2] Later on, Arghun's father and brother were buried there.[3] Arghun also constructed a madrasah next to the mosque. The mosque, shrine and madrasah complex was then put under the management of the descendants of Abu Nasr Parsa.[4] The Shaybanid governor of Balkh, Abdul-Mo'min bin Abdullah Khan, later renovated the building in the late 16th century, inscribing his name on one of the walls as well.[5]

The mosque suffered severe damage during the Soviet-Afghan War, and it fell into massive disrepair. In 2022, an explosion inside the mosque caused the destruction of some parts of the mosque as well.

^ "Archnet > Site > Mazar-i Khwajah Abu Nasr Parsa". Retrieved 2023-11-13. ^ "Khoja Abu Nasr Parsa Mosque & Shrine | IRCICA". 2020-06-24. Retrieved 2023-11-13. ^ McChesney, R. D. (2002). "Architecture and Narrative: The Khwaja Abu Nasr Parsa Shrine. Part 2: Representing the Complex in Word and Image, 1696-1998". Muqarnas. 19: 78–108. doi:10.2307/1523316. ISSN 0732-2992. ^ McChesney, R. D. (2002). "Architecture and Narrative: The Khwaja Abu Nasr Parsa Shrine. Part 2: Representing the Complex in Word and Image, 1696-1998". Muqarnas. 19: 78–108. doi:10.2307/1523316. ISSN 0732-2992. ^ "Archnet > Site > Mazar-i Khwajah Abu Nasr Parsa". Retrieved 2023-11-13.
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