مدرسة ابن يوسف (مراكش)

( Ben Youssef Madrasa )

The Ben Youssef Madrasa (Arabic: مدرسة ابن يوسف; also transliterated as Bin Yusuf or Ibn Yusuf Madrasa) is an Islamic madrasa (college) in Marrakesh, Morocco. Functioning today as a historical site, the Ben Youssef Madrasa was the largest Islamic college in the Maghreb at its height. The madrasa is named after the adjacent Ben Youssef Mosque built by the Almoravid Sultan Ali ibn Yusuf in the early 12th century, and was commissioned by the Saadian sultan Abdallah al-Ghalib in the 16th century.

Photographies by:
Michal Osmenda from Brussels, Belgium - CC BY-SA 2.0
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