Banys de Dorres

Els Banys de Dorres is a small thermal establishment in the communal area of u200bu200bDorres, in the region of Alta Cerdanya, in Northern Catalonia.

They are located in the south-east area of u200bu200bthe communal area of u200bu200bDorres, close to the east of this town, also close to the south-west of Les Escaldes.

It is an outdoor establishment, among the existing trees on the site. It is an open building, with three of the walls built, and the fourth open. You can enjoy a great panorama over the main peaks of the Catalan Pyrenees. The temperature of the spring is 38 degrees, which allows bathing at any time of the year, in the two outdoor pools, an old laundry room and a new pool, cut from granite blocks. The oldest remains, a swimming pool and the remains of a kitchen, date back to the time of Roman colonization.

It is a frequent destination for many of Cerdanya's hiking or cycling routes.

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