جامع أبو دلف

( Abu Dulaf Mosque )

Abu Dulaf Mosque (Arabic: جامع أبو دلف) is an ancient historic mosque located approximately 15 kilometres (9.3 mi) north of Samarra in the Saladin Governorate, Iraq. The mosque was commissioned by the 10th Abbasid Caliph Al-Mutawakkil in 859.

The archeological mosque, along with the Great Mosque of Samarra, represent a unique example of the planning, capacity, construction, and artistic in Islamic architecture and mosques in the Abbasid Caliphate, considered one of the finest. Their large dimensions and unique spiral minarets, these mosques demonstrate the pride and political and religious strength that correspond with the strength and power of the caliphate at that time. Even after the abandonment of the mosque by the Caliphate, the mosque remained partially preserved with some damages caused mainly by ploughing and cultivation. The mosque, along with the archeological city of Samarra, are a part of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention....Read more

Abu Dulaf Mosque (Arabic: جامع أبو دلف) is an ancient historic mosque located approximately 15 kilometres (9.3 mi) north of Samarra in the Saladin Governorate, Iraq. The mosque was commissioned by the 10th Abbasid Caliph Al-Mutawakkil in 859.

The archeological mosque, along with the Great Mosque of Samarra, represent a unique example of the planning, capacity, construction, and artistic in Islamic architecture and mosques in the Abbasid Caliphate, considered one of the finest. Their large dimensions and unique spiral minarets, these mosques demonstrate the pride and political and religious strength that correspond with the strength and power of the caliphate at that time. Even after the abandonment of the mosque by the Caliphate, the mosque remained partially preserved with some damages caused mainly by ploughing and cultivation. The mosque, along with the archeological city of Samarra, are a part of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention.

Photographies by:
Omarfox ali - CC BY-SA 4.0
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