尼波山(阿拉伯语:جبل نيبوJabal Nībū; 希伯來語:הַר נְבוֹHar Nevo)是约旦的一个山岭,海拔约680米。圣经中提到,这是摩西得以观看他永远不会进入的应许之地的地点。从山顶可以看到圣地的全景,约旦河西岸的耶利哥,在晴天甚至可以看到耶路撒冷。


根据基督教的传统,摩西被安葬在尼波山,虽然没有指定他的埋葬地点是。一些伊斯兰传统也表示同样的,[2] ,虽然在耶利哥以南11公里、耶路撒冷以东20公里处的旷野有摩西的坟墓[3]。





Stone marking the entrance to historic Mount Nebo 
Stone marking the entrance to historic Mount Nebo
Plaque showing the distance from Mount Nebo to various locations 
Plaque showing the distance from Mount Nebo to various locations
Structure protecting excavated remains of a church 
Structure protecting excavated remains of a church
Baptismal Font 
Baptismal Font
Mosaic inscription inside (Offering of Caesarion, at the time of Alexios and Theophilos priests) 
Mosaic inscription inside (Offering of Caesarion, at the time of Alexios and Theophilos priests)
The Brazen Serpent, Mount Nebo. 
The Brazen Serpent, Mount Nebo.
Detail of Brazen Serpent statue 
Detail of Brazen Serpent statue
Mosaic at the Basilica of Moses 
Mosaic at the Basilica of Moses
Nebo Mountain 
Nebo Mountain
Nebo Mountain 
Nebo Mountain
Mosaics, Nebo Mountain 
Mosaics, Nebo Mountain
Mosaics, Nebo Mountain 
Mosaics, Nebo Mountain
Mosaics, Nebo Mountain 
Mosaics, Nebo Mountain
Mosaics, Nebo Mountain 
Mosaics, Nebo Mountain
^ 申命记34:1 ^ Islamic sites in Jordan 互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期2013-11-10. ^ Amelia Thomas, Michael Kohn, Miriam Raphael, Dan Savery Raz. Israël & the Palestinian Territories. Lonely Planet. 2010: 319 [2013-12-25]. ISBN 9781741044560. (原始内容存档于2014-01-07).  ^ 存档副本. [2009-08-12]. (原始内容存档于2011-07-15).  ^ Pope speaks of 'inseparable' bond between Christians, Jews. [2013-12-25]. (原始内容存档于2013-12-27).  ^ Piccirillo, Michele (2009). Mount Nebo (Studium Biblicum Franciscanum Guide Books, 2) pp. 107. ^ 存档副本. [2013-12-25]. (原始内容存档于2013-12-24).  ^ Piccirillo, Michele (2009). Mount Nebo. page 17. ^ Piccirillo, Michele (2009) Mount Nebo (Studium Biblicum Franciscanum Guide Books, 2) pp. 14/15—extract from Fr Sylvester Saller The Memorial of Moses on Mount Nebo Jerusalem 1941, pp. 15–18.
Jerzy Strzelecki - CC BY-SA 3.0
Jerzy Strzelecki - CC BY-SA 3.0
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