Masjid Raya Bayur Hjem Asia Sumatra Indonesia Masjid Raya Bayur Description 0 0 0 0 0 0 Send Nullstill More information Photographies by: Zones Indonesia Sumatra Statistics: Position 9411 Statistics: Rank 32672 Skriv ny kommentar Kommentar Info om tekst-format. CAPTCHA Sikkerhet Code 269381457Click/tap this sequence: 2896 Dette er et spørsmål for å teste om du er en menneskelig besøkende og for å hindre automatiserte spammeldinger. Lagre Google street view Google street view Where can you sleep near Masjid Raya Bayur ? What can you do near Masjid Raya Bayur ? Masjid Raya Sumatera Barat Grand Mosque of West Sumatra Pariangan, Pariangan, Tanah Datar Pariangan Istana Basa Pagaruyung Pagaruyung Palace Malacca Straits Mosque Malacca Sultanate Palace Museum Legoland Malaysia Resort Haw Par Villa Henderson Waves Putra-moskeen Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and Museum Sri Mariamman-tempelet, Singapore Marina Bay Sands Chinese Garden, Singapore The Helix Bridge Gardens by the Bay HSBC TreeTop Walk The Hive, Singapore Sultan Iskandar-moskeen Thean Hou Temple View more on the map 6.582.607 visits in total, 9.304 Points of interest, 405 Destinations, 157 visits today.
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