آتشکده یزد ( Fire Temple of Yazd ) Alireza Javaheri - CC BY 3.0 Hjem Asia Iran Fire Temple of Yazd Description 0 0 0 0 0 0 Send Nullstill More information Photographies by: Alireza Javaheri - CC BY 3.0 Zones Iran Statistics: Position 3006 Statistics: Rank 99037 Skriv ny kommentar Kommentar Info om tekst-format. CAPTCHA Sikkerhet Code 731698254Click/tap this sequence: 6136 Dette er et spørsmål for å teste om du er en menneskelig besøkende og for å hindre automatiserte spammeldinger. Lagre Google street view Google street view Videos Where can you sleep near Fire Temple of Yazd ? Booking.com What can you do near Fire Temple of Yazd ? مسجد امیرچقماق Amir Chakhmaq Mosque مسجد جامع یزد Jameh-moskeen i Yazd یزد Yazd دخمه زرتشتیان (یزد) Torre del silencio de Yazd Meybod Dovecote Tower Naryn Castle, Meybod Meybod Icehouse چکچک (اردکان) Chak Chak, Yazd خرانق Kharanaq رباط زینالدین Zein-o-din Caravanserai قلعه ارنان Ernan Castle خانه آقازاده (ابرکوه) Aghazadeh Mansion کاروانسرای نو گنبد قلعه رباط Robat Castle مسجد جامع نائین Jameh-moskeen i Nain Potash Complex of Khor میمند (شهربابک) Meymand, Kerman میمند (شهربابک) Meymand, Kerman کاروانسرای ایزدخواست Izadkhast Caravanserai View more on the map 6.582.619 visits in total, 9.304 Points of interest, 405 Destinations, 169 visits today.
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