The Yukon River Quest is the world's longest annual canoe and kayak race. The Yukon River Quest's stated mission is, "To challenge paddlers in a world class wilderness event – a race to the midnight sun." The race takes place in late June / early July.

The Yukon River Quest was created in 1999 by canoeists in Whitehorse who thought it would be fun to host a canoe marathon event. It has evolved into a world class, international event. It is hosted by the Yukon River Marathon Paddlers Association.

2016 was the 18th Yukon River Quest. Teams from 14 countries competed in the event. The water levels for 2016 were the lowest they have ever been during the race, so no records were set. Team #57 "Perfect Storm", a tandem men's canoe team, won the race in 46 hours 14 minutes and 56 seconds. 77 of 93 teams completed the race in 2016 including 9 of 11 stand up paddle boards.[1] The influx of paddlers and support team members brings extra business to Whitehorse in the summer.[2]

The record for the course was set by a men's voyageur canoe team in 2008. Team Kisseynew won in 39 hours 32 minutes and 43 seconds.

^ Griffin, Hannah. "Results From The 2016 Yukon River Quest". Retrieved 17 August 2016. ^ "Hundreds of paddlers set off from Whitehorse as 2016 Yukon River Quest begins".
Photographies by:
Anthony DeLorenzo from Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada - CC BY-SA 2.0
Statistics: Position
Statistics: Rank

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