Una National Park

Una National Park (Serbo-Croatian: Национални парк Уна, Nacionalni park Una) was established on 29 May 2008 around the rivers Upper Una River, Krka and the Unac. It is Bosnia and Herzegovina's largest national park. The main purpose of the park is to protect the unspoiled Una river and its tributaries Krka and Unac, which run through it.

 Ostrovica medieval fortress in National Park Una above Kulen Vakuf, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Area of the park has rich cultural-historic heritage and numerous archaeological sites, many dating from the prehistoric period. Significant historical and cultural heritage of the area within and outside the park zone are the Roman fort Milančeva Kula, Rmanj Monastery, medieval fortress Ostrovica above Kulen Vakuf, as well as outside the park zone Sokolačka Kula fortress in Sokolac village near Bihać and Ostrožac Castle between Bihać and Bosanska Krupa.

Photographies by:
Hasan Zulic - CC BY 3.0
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