Cavalls del vent

( Ultra Pirineu )

Ultra Pirineu is an international skyrunning competition held for the first time in 2009 under the name Cavalls del Vent. It has been known as Ultra Pirineu since the 2014 edition. It takes place in Bagà, Spain, in September each year. The race has formed part of the Skyrunner World Series.

Ultra Pirineu is an international skyrunning competition held for the first time in 2009 under the name Cavalls del Vent. It has been known as Ultra Pirineu since the 2014 edition. It takes place in Bagà, Spain, in September each year. The race has formed part of the Skyrunner World Series.

Photographies by:
Crastino - CC BY-SA 3.0
Statistics: Position
Statistics: Rank

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