Territorio Artlanza

Artlanza Territory is an architectural-cultural space located in the Burgos municipality of Quintanilla del Agua in Castilla y León, Spain.

It is being built by Félix Yáñez,[1]u200b that has recreated an entire town with a traditional character, thus allowing visitors to be shown the traditional ways of life of this region of Burgos. A private and personal project.

Artlanza Territory is an architectural-cultural space located in the Burgos municipality of Quintanilla del Agua in Castilla y León, Spain.

It is being built by Félix Yáñez,[1]< /span>u200b that has recreated an entire town with a traditional character, thus allowing visitors to be shown the traditional ways of life of this region of Burgos. A private and personal project.

Photographies by:
Yantir - CC BY-SA 3.0
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