
( Sule Pagoda )

The Sule Pagoda (Burmese: ဆူးလေဘုရား; pronounced [sʰúlè pʰəjá]) is a Burmese Buddhist stupa located in the heart of downtown Yangon, occupying the centre of the city and an important space in contemporary Burmese politics, ideology and geography. According to legend, it was built before the Shwedagon Pagoda during the time of the Buddha, making it more than 2,600 years old. Burmese legend states that the site for the Shwedagon Pagoda was asked to be revealed from an old nat who resided at the place where the Sule Pagoda now stands.

The Sule Pagoda has been the focal point of both Yangon and Burmese politics. It has served as a rallying point in the 1988 uprisings, 2007 Saffron Revolution and 2021 Spring Revolution.

The pagoda is listed on the Yangon City Heritage List.

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kallerna - CC BY-SA 4.0
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